HICLOVER Top Feeding Door Waste Incinerators

▲Large Feeding Door
▲Better for Animal Waste Cremation
▲HICLOVER Brand Section

***Primary Combustion Chamber
***Secondary Combustion Chamber
***Smoke Filter Chamber
***Optional Wet Scrubber System(1 section or  3 sections)

Phone: +86-13813931455(whatsapp/wechat)
Website: http://www.hiclover.com/ 
Nanjing Clover Medical Technology Co.,Ltd.
Items Side Loading Door Top Loading Door
Cost Cheap High cost
Manufacture Tech. Easy A litter difficult
Safty safe safer
Incinerator Shape L/ I
Loading manual big door can be by Forklift
Land occupation small big
Ash door same with feeding door or alone alone
market share Most-CHINA/USA/INDIA Few- UK/USA
Dooring open type Manual Pry bar/Hydraulic pressure
Dooring Open size small big
Better for medical bag waste animal waste
open when burning safer, can feed waste, few smoke not safe, cannot feed waste, most smoke

parts of an incinerator
physical method of disposing hazardous chemical waste
portable incinerators types
proper ways of waste disposal in the community
questionnaire to ask about incinerators for collection of data
HICLOVER Solution for Fighting COVID-19, Medical Waste Incinerator

